
Thursday, September 21, 2017

Nutrafol for Prevention of Thinning Hair Review

Thinning hair is a problem where prevention is 100% better than treatment, and luckily for us Nutrafol has formulated a completely drug free vitamin and mineral supplement targeted at the root cause of hair thinning and loss. 
I have done some research which led me to reach out to  Nutrafol and express my interest in the product. Nutrafol actually gifted a one month supply for me and my hubs to try. Thank you, I am so excited for this product. 

A quick review of some facts on thinning hair, it happens to everyone. Yes men may suffer more than woman as their hair will actually fall out more dramatically. We, as women,  are not immune to thin hair just because we are girls. The daily grind and lifestyle choices we make will ravage even our silky locks as well. 

Nutrafol has created formulas specific for men and women to combat a multitude of factors which damage hair from the root. 
Here are some highlights of nutrients that are in Nutrafol. I found these to be the most different and interesting.

1.  Saw Palmetto Extract - Nutrafol patented a special extracting process to maintain the highest level of efficacy for this nutrient. Studies have proven Saw Palmetto helps to prevent the conversion of testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone (yes we have testosterone ladies, it helps our muscles stay lean and toned). DHT is a known enemy to hair follicles. Causing thinning of the hair and eventually hair falling out. 
2.  Sensoril Ashwagandha - Sensoril has been been proven to reduce our stress hormone Cortisol. Cortisol is well known for increasing the levels of C-Reactive Protein which promotes inflammation. Yes it turns out the old belief of worry and stress will damage your hair is true. Another interesting note Cortisol converts protein from our diet into fat and stores it around the abdomen so lets block as much Cortisol as we can. 
3.  BCM-95 Biocurcumin - A natural extract from Tumeric. Proven to be a very powerful antioxdent. Helps to improve our immune system and decrease inflammation. 

I have noticed both myself and the Hubs have healthier and shinier hair in the 30 days we have been using Nutrafol. And who doesn't want shiny, healthy hair. It is too early to tell if it is becoming thicker as the natural growing process does take some time (3-6 months). Overall I love this product!
 Thank you for reading my post. Please follow me on Instagram as well!

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